Saturday, November 10, 2012

Relationship Tables

In and Out Charts as we like to call them.  I started the lesson with my "Magic Machine".  The kids love to guess what happens in my magic machine.  (As you can tell, I DO NOT draw well.)  The magic machine does something to a number that causes it to come out differently.  My machine never changes its "RULE" though.  It always does the same thing.  The same is true in a relationship table.  The rule will never change.  We study these charts or tables during our multiplication and division unit because depending on the way you read the labels of the table, the operation or rule would be effected.  In the example above, TRIANGLE x3 = SQUARE or you could say the opposite SQUARE /3 = TRIANGLE.  Also you will notice going from a small number to a large number is multiplication and from a large number to a small number is division.  (We will hit this concept again when converting.)

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