Friday, June 14, 2013

Life Cycles

OK, so I am posting this a week after school is out, but better late than never.  Our last unit in Science is Life Cycles.  Our job is to compare and contrast various life cycles.  So, we set up stations and rotated through the life cycles of various plants and organisms; butterfly, frog, flowers, tomato plant, and meal worms (very smelly).

Multiplication Tracker

For a long time, I have tested and tracked student's ability to complete math facts given 60 seconds per fact.  This year, I had a student observer that came up with this cute poster.  The fact tests look like little spider webs so we drew spiders each time they correctly completed a factor.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Thanks for a wonderful year!  It was such a joy to invest in your child this year.  Remember to review those multiplication and division facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Not only did we learn the Translation Hustle Dance . . Do the Hustle, but we manipulated figures before we glued them to our journal.


This week we are continuing our geometry unit with testing lines of symmetry and connecting that with our knowledge of transformations (reflections specifically) and congruency.  We also introduced a new math tool.  I just call it the Red Mirror.  It helps us see the reflected figure and to test lines of symmetry.  Really cool!

MLA "Ecosystem"

We went out today to view our own class ecosystem.  We are blessed enough to have an awesome Outdoor Learning Area.  We categorized the Living and Non-living components of our Pond (lake) ecosystem.

Building Terrariums

We are studying ecosystems right now, and how living and non living components work together within a given habitat.  We build a terrarium and will observe how our seeds grow.